

Chair: Cyril Babeev

Vice Chair: Natasha Carver

Treasurer: Henry Logan

Safeguarding Lead: Natasha Carver

H&S Lead: Henry Logan

EDI Trustees:  Mano Candappa and Irene Elizabeth

Volunteer Representative: Richard Nforbuh

Associate Professor Mano Candappa

Irene Elizabeth

Elise Ford

Caroline Jowett-Ive

Shamim Baloo

Sub Committee Structure

Finance & Fundraising Sub Committee

Staffing Sub Committee

Health & Safety Sub Committee

Governance and EDI Sub Committee

Member Voice Group

Every month a group of asylum seeker and refugee members of BRR meet at the Welcome Centre, and consider matters of policy and direction at the request of the staff team and the Board of Trustees.

We encourage new members to join the group to ensure that the group is well attended. The group is an important organ of decision making within our governance structure.

BRR Legal Members

As part of our constitution and governance structure, we encourage supporters to become a legal member of Bristol Refugee Rights. Becoming a legal member of BRR in this way is open to any individual aged 18 years and over, who lives or works in the area of we serve and who is interested in promoting the objects of the charity.

As a Legal Member you will receive an invitation to the Annual General Meeting, where you can vote on resolutions and elect Trustees; in this way you will helping to steer the direction and strategic aims of the organisation. Becoming a legal member costs a minimum subscription cost of £12 per year.

You can become a Legal Member of BRR at any time, and membership is ratified by the Board of Trustees. Please download the Legal Members Application Form and Gift Aid Form; completed forms should be sent to the BRR office.

If you would like to make a donation to Bristol Refugee Rights please click here.